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Coin AI AI Behavior Toolkit [Coin] v1.9.2


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18+ добавил(а) новый ресурс:

AI Behavior Toolkit - ТОП комплек ИИ

Discord Server: https://discord.gg/VeVfTcm
Support Thread: https://forums.unrealengine.com/unreal-engine/marketplace/90712-universal-ai-behavior-toolkit

**NEW** Ladder System for AIs + multiple game AI examples! (For 4.23 and above)

AI Behavior Toolkit is a plug-and-play, highly customizable, and easy to use AI Behavior system made with Blueprints. Use it to create believable AI characters within minutes. It enables you to...

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Команда форума
sorry to say, this is available for free on other sources
AND? We have part of the VIP section also leaked by someone, this does not mean that we should change assets for free access. Here, too, we give constant access to updates for most of the assets purchased from our pockets. Just because someone leaked it does not mean that we should give away.
AND? We have part of the VIP section also leaked by someone, this does not mean that we should change assets for free access. Here, too, we give constant access to updates for most of the assets purchased from our pockets. Just because someone leaked it does not mean that we should give away.
I didn't mean to give it away sir, sorry if I offended you, I only mentioned it was available for free, I didn't mention please make this free because it's available free on sources


Команда форума
I didn't mean to give it away sir, sorry if I offended you, I only mentioned it was available for free, I didn't mention please make this free because it's available free on sources

Версия которая доступна в бесплатных источниках точно не 1.7.1, мы уже посмотрели. Так что продажа 1.7.1 у нас актуальна
и не надо думать что мы не в курсе что и где слито и в каком доступе, мы отслеживаем активы для UE более чем на 20 ресурсах

The version that is available in free sources is definitely not 1.7.1, we have already looked at it. So the sale of 1.7.1 is relevant for us
and do not think that we do not know what and where is merged and in what access, we track assets for UE on more than 20 resources


Команда форума
Lucifer обновил(а) ресурс AI Behavior Toolkit новой записью:

update to v1.8.2

update to v1.8.2

- AIs will no longer accept partial paths (unreachable) if CanParkour is disabled. They will instead return to their initial state by default.
- Fixed an issue where NPCs in Attack Melee or Attack Range would sometimes get stuck in the Parkour state.
- Fixed a bug where the waiting state in Group Coordinator was sometimes incorrect.
- Added an alternate EQS Line of Sight check to compliment the changes in parkour.

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Команда форума
Lucifer обновил(а) ресурс AI Behavior Toolkit новой записью:

Update to UE 5.0

- Now supports Unreal Engine 5.
- Replaced old mannequin with new Manny from UE5 samples.
- Updated all animation blueprints based on new UE5 standard.
- NEW: Directional hit reactions.
- NEW: Turn in-place logic.
- NEW: AI changes targets when attacked by different actor.
- Improved Attack Melee logic.
- Improved Defend state's strafing logic.
- Optimized random location query.
- Added a "Command Forget All" to NPC_Base.
- Refactored damage and health system.
- Refactored projectile and...

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Команда форума
Lucifer обновил(а) ресурс AI Behavior Toolkit новой записью:

Update to v1.9 (Patch Integrations 3)

Version 1.9.0​

New Files and/or Folders​

  1. Enum_HitDirection
  2. Struct_HitReact
  3. BTT_RandomLocation
  4. BTT_PlayHitReact
  5. BTD_CheckFront
  6. New Manny skeletal mesh and animations

Edited Files​

It’s best to open the updated Toolkit and try to compare the updated files with your current ones.

  1. BP_BehaviorComponent
    1. New replicated variables TargetActor, TargetLocation, and ControlRotation...

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